The deployment of new reactors in the United States and internationally principally depends on reducing capital costs. Reduction of capital costs is a difficult problem to solve, as much research has shown that how a reactor construction project is managed is a more important factor than details of the design. Some of our research aims to address this – for example through developing a new, more open paradigm for advanced reactor construction.
A second avenue for construction of new reactors is special purpose reactors that form particular functions – for example microreactors. These may be more expensive in per kWe terms, but can be cost competitive through performing other functions – e.g. siting in remote locations/places with poor grid connections, or as a source of resilient power.
Finally, deployment of innovative new reactors on reasonable timeframes requires demonstrably accurate simulations. This reduces the number of new experiments that are required, and so makes deploying reactors faster and cheaper.
Separate and Multiphysics Effects IRPhEP Benchmark Evaluation using SNAP Experiments
We are working with Georgia Tech (lead), INL and BWXT to prepare a benchmark evaluation for the SNAP 8 experimental reactor, a small, highly-reflected design. The SNAP10A reactor was ultimately sent into space. Modelling SNAP with cutting edge computational tools including those developed by INL, we will use experience from the SNAP program to support the development of new microreactors.
This work is funded by the US DOE Nuclear Energy University Program
Open Architecture for Nuclear Cost Reduction
In a collaborative with University of Wyoming, UC Berkeley, Idaho National Laboratory and TerraPraxis, we will develop a method for open architecture-enabled standardized design of modules and interfaces across advance reacor designs and evaluate the extent to which this is possible.
Our collaborators will develop a method for open architecture-enabled standardization across sites; identify how to overcome the commercial and legal challenges to collaboration and info sharing among companies; and evaluate through quantitative modeling how open architecture can reduce costs.
This work is funded by the US DOE Nuclear Energy University Program
Telescopic Control Rod for Significant Reduction in HTR Height and therefore Cost
High Temperature Reactors (HTRs) have tall cores. The control rods are housed within the reactor vessel, which is contained within a silo embedded in the ground. Incremental increases to the silo depth are high cost. We propose a compact design for a small modular HTR control rod that extends telescopically. The technology is applicable to both pebble bed and prismatic HTRs. This compact component substantially reduces the length of the above vessel control rod housing compartments thus depth of the silo and hence is of potentially major cost benefit. The primary objective of this project is to develop the telescopic control rod to the point of being technically feasible and licensable, through a multidisciplinary design study encompassing theoretical and experimental work, performed in collaboration with the MADCOR laboratory at UW-Madison, Framatome, X-Energy, INL and University of Manchester & Jacobs in the UK.
This work is funded by the US DOE Nuclear Energy University Program
Fission Fusion Hybrid
We are performing conceptual design studies on a subcritical fission fusion hybrid reactor, which could reuse and reduce the waste of long-lived portions of spent nuclear fuel through minor actinide (MA) burning. Such a concept could use a relatively near-term fusion reactor as a high intensity neutron source such as WHAM. With a fusion power of only 1 MW, a fission power optimized design can achieve a Tritium Breeding Ratio (TBR) of over 40, MA burnup of 200 kg/year, and 500MWth of blanket heating all while operating at ~10βeff below critical. This project includes a broad range of nuclear topics such as the fission and fusion nuclear fuel cycles, economics of advanced reactors, neutronic and thermal-hydraulic design of advanced reactors, and fusion energy technology.
We also have projects supporting the Fast Modular Reactor within the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program, and on performing safety analysis of accident tolerant fuel within the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program. More details coming soon.