

Dailey R, Lindley B (2024). Locational Variance  in Nuclear Microreactor Performance Under Net Zero Microgrid Conditions. Nuclear Science and Engineering Special Issue on Microreactor Challenges, August 2024, 295639

Rigby A C, Baker U, Lindley B, Wagner M (2024) Generation and validation of comprehensive synthetic weather histories using auto-regressive moving-average models. Renewable Energy Volume 224, April 2024, 120157

Garcia S, Naupa I, Paleen O, Fowler E, Boyd A, Kotlyar D, Lindley B (2024). Reproducible Benchmark for the SNAP 8 Experimental Reactor at Dry Conditions. Annals of Nuclear Energy Volume 198, April 2024, 110331

Lindley B (2024). Irregular, Backward-compatible PWR Assemblies with More Pins to Facilitate Uprates. Nuclear Technology.

Forest C, Anderson J, Endrizzi D, Egedal J, Frank S, Furlong K, Ialovega M, Kirch J, Harvey R, Lindley B, Petrov Y, Pizzo J, Qian T, Sanwalka K, Schmitz O, Wallace J, Yakovlev D, Yu M (2023). Prospects for a high-field, compact Break Even Axisymmetric Mirror (BEAM) and applications. Journal of Plasma Physics. Volume 90 , Issue 1 , February 2024 , 975900101 DOI:

Peakman A, Lindley B (2023) A review of nuclear electric fission space reactor technologies for achieving high-power output and operating with HALEU fuel. Progress in Nuclear Energy 163 104815

Alhadhrami S, Soto G J, Lindley B (2023). Dispatch analysis of flexible power operation with multi-unit small modular reactors. Energy 128107

Baker U, Garrouste M, Choi S, Snuggerud R, Soto G J, Kochunas B, Lindley B (2023) ‘Simulation of the NuScale SMR and Investigation of the Effect of Load-following on Component Lifetimes’ Nuclear Technology

Bohm T, Lindley B (2023). Initial Neutronics Investigation of a Chlorine Salt Based Breeder Blanket. Fusion Science and Technology

Lindley B, Roulstone T, Locatelli G, Rooney M (2023). Can fusion energy be cost-competitive and commercially viable? An analysis of magnetically confined reactors. Energy Policy 177 113511

Ruegsegger J, Moreno C, Nyberg M, Bohm T, Wilson P, Lindley B (2023). Scoping Studies of a Lead Lithium Cooled, Minor Actinide Burning Fission Fusion Hybrid Reactor Design. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2023.

Rigby A, Lindley B, Cullen J, 2023 An exergy based assessment of the efficiency of nuclear fuel cycles. Energy, Volume 264.

Lindley B A, Alvarez Velarde F, Bodi J, Charles A, Fiorina C, Fridman E, Krepel J, Lavarenne J, Mikityuk K, Nikitin E, Ponomarev A, Radman S, Shwageraus E, Tollit B. Impact of Thermal-Hydraulic Feedback and Differential Thermal Expansion on European SFR Core Power Distribution. ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 2023. ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci. 1-39 NERS-22-1119

Soto G J, Lindley B, Neises T, Stansbury C, Wagner M J, 2022. Dispatch Optimization, System Design and Cost Benefit Analysis of a Nuclear Reactor with Molten Salt Thermal Storage. Energies 2022, 15(10), 3599;

Lindley B, Wilkinson P, Couet A, Shahrokhi F, 2022. Telescopic Control Rod for Significant Reduction in HTR Height and Cost, Annals of Nuclear Energy 169 108953.Accepted Version Here

White B T, Wagner M J, Neises T, Stansbury C, Lindley B, 2021. Modeling of Combined Lead Fast Reactor and Concentrating Solar Power Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Cycles to Demonstrate Feasibility, Efficiency Gains, and Cost Reductions. Sustainability 2021 13(22)


Keith E, Lindley B, Wagner M J. Thermodynamic and Technoeconomic Analysis of Desalination with Thermal Energy Storage. ANS Winter Meeting 2023, Nov 12-15, 2023. Washington, DC

Naupa Aguirre I E, Garcia S, Terlizzi S, Abou-Jaoude A, Lindley B, Kotlyar D. Verification of the Serpent-Griffin Workflow using the SNAP 8 Experimental Reactor. M&C 2023, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Aug 13-17, 2023

Alhadhrami S, Prescott S, Agarwal V, Lindley B. Small Modular Reactor Condensate and Feedwater System Maintenance Methods by Utilizing Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagram. NPIC&HMIT 2023, July 15-20 2023, Knoxville TN.

Garcia S, Naupa Aguirre I E, Boyd A, Paleen O, Kotlyar D, Lindley B Detailed Reflector and Drum Modeling of the SNAP8 Criticality Configuration Experiments Using Serpent with ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 Libraries. 2023 ANS Annual Meeting June 11-15, 2023

Nyberg M, Eickman J, Baker U, Lindley B. Minor Actinide Fueled Chloride Salt Reactor: Economics, Neutronics, and Safety. 2023 ANS Annual Meeting June 11-15, 2023

Dailey R, Beckman C, Moneghan D, Lindley B. Feasibility of a Used Nuclear Fuel District Energy System. ANS 2023 Dailey. 2023 ANS Annual Meeting June 11-15, 2023

Dailey R, Lindley B. Review of District Energy Technology for Nuclear Power Applications. 2023 ANS Annual Meeting June 11-15, 2023

Rigby A C, Lindley B, Mikkelson D. Transient Modelling of HTGR Thermal Load Follow in Modelica. 2023 ANS Annual Meeting June 11-15, 2023

Baker U, Lindley B, Nguyen K, Hou J, Choi Y-J. Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Design in Light Water Reactors. 2023 ANS Annual Meeting June 11-15, 2023

Alhadhrami S, Soto G J, Lindley B. Economic Dispatch Optimization of Multi-Unit SMR Site. ANS Winter Meeting 2022, Nov 13-17, 2022. Phoenix, AZ.

Garcia S, Naupa Aguirre I E, Boyd A, Paleen O, Kotlyar D, Lindley B. Validation of SNAP8. Criticality Configuration Experiments using SERPENT. ANS Winter Meeting 2022, Nov 13-17, 2022. Phoenix, AZ.

Lindley B, Dailey R. Review and Comparison of Existing District Heating Reactor Concepts. ANS Winter Meeting 2022, Nov 13-17, 2022. Phoenix, AZ.

Baker U, Lindley B. Performance Evaluation of Accident Tolerant Fuel in Recovered LOCA following ECCS Failure. ANS Winter Meeting 2022, Nov 13-17, 2022. Phoenix, AZ.

Dailey R, Lindley B. Locational Variance in Nuclear Micro-Reactor Performance Under Microgrid Conditions. ANS 2022 Annual Meeting. June 12-16, Anaheim, CA.

Ruegsegger J, Moreno C, Nyberg M, Bohm T, Wilson P, Lindley B. Scoping Studies of Subcritical Minor Actinide-Burning Fission-Fusion Hybrid Designs for Nuclear Waste Reduction. PHYSOR 2022, 15-20 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA

Baker U, Garrouste M, Choi S, Soto G J, Lindley B, Kochunas B. Development of a High-fidelity Multi-cycle Model of the NuScale Small Modular Reactor using VERA. PHYSOR 2022, 15-20 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA

Lindley B A, Alvarez Velarde F, Bodi J, Charles A, Di-Nora V, Fridman E, Krepel J, Lavarenne J, Mikityuk K, Nikitin E, Ponomarev A, Tollit B. Coupled Neutronic-Thermal-Hydraulic Simulations of the European SFR Core. PHYSOR 2022, 15-20 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA

Soto G J, Baker U, White B, Lindley B, Wagner M, 2021. Modeling a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor with Thermal Energy Storage using Optimal Dispatch and SAM ANS Winter Meeting 2021

MS Theses

Eickman J, 2023. Multiphysics analysis of a minor actinide burning molten salt reactor.

Prado I, 2023. Economic and industry considerations for open souce nuclear development.

Alhadhrami S, 2022. Techno-economic analysis of flexible power operation with multi-unit Small Modular Reactors.

Ruegsegger J, 2022. Scoping studies for a lead-lithium cooled, minor-actinide burning fission fusion hybrid reactor design.